When Mandalorian arrived, I was instantly transported and charmed by the series’ music themes pouring from the machine’s speakers as I moved the silverball around the playfield recalling all my favorite parts from the show. The immersion was only broken by the occasionally nagging white light of the AMBUSH inserts. “Why are they white?” I wondered to myself. The color of the insert matches or at least approximates the ring around it on the playfeld in the majority of cases. AMBUSH has a white insert, but a red ring, and in my mind, an AMBUSH is more of a “code red” deserving of a matching insert. And so, calling to mind the proverb, “Don’t escape when you have a problem because there is always a way to solve it,” I set about solving it.
I tried a number of shades of red, from light to dark, and found the darker shades fit into the playfield more effortlessly. Crafting two insert brackets and joining them then adding two post sleeves that make this bracket a screw-fee installation. I installed the bracket on the playfield with the final red I had chosen and the AMBUSH inserts were irritating no longer, communicating danger without blasting my eyes with stark white light.
The single bracket for this improvement requires removal of one board to slide the bracket onto two posts that hold it in place, then replacement of the board. The whole process should take about 10 minutes.