When I am doing work on pinball machines in my quarters, Laysah is all to happy to lend the occasional sharp claw if I need something small cut, but that can lead to collateral damage - like the sleeves of my kasaya when she swings too wide. And so, for the finer work and a more consistent cutting experience, I decided to create precision cutters like these. They're good for light duty tasks like wires up to about 18AWG and cutting things like silicone blobs in power supplies or zipties when cleaning up the look of an area with lots of wires. I am quite pleased with their performance, but Laysah seems to be pouting a bit at her maintenance demotion. I will find a way to make it up to her, so you can enjoy these without guilt.
Note: Pin Monk stand not included, color subject to change.
Note: Pin Monk stand not included, color subject to change.